So, I went to Hannibal today. To Java Jive to be exact. To hang out with Will. When I left this morning, I had the feeling that today's meeting would be the make or break kind. The kind that decides the direction of a relationship. Will it be romantic, friendly, professional, or abrasive? I think I was right. Since I came back to town after two hours of fantastic conversation, and an amazing kiss in the middle of the street. Only to be discussing a couple of hours later that we would both like to be seeing a lot of each other regularly. Exclusively. So I went from single, and not-quite-loving it. To in a relationship, all in the span of a few hours. Sealed the deal with a kiss. One of those, where you leave without touching and he stops you in the street ones. The kind that happen in movies. Yeah, one of those. Guess who's smiling? :)
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