Ramblings of a Lyricist

A place for me to write, about my day, about my thoughts, the stories and songs and poems that come from my mind or that inspire me.

The Residence of Light

Tell me, does the sun reside in the sky?
For on such a day as this, it is melancholies aisle of light
that fades between the clouds of the farcical blue
It seems to be a play of sorts embraced by heinous fate
That traverses the souls terrain as though it were in disgrace
as though it were merely animal and need driven lack luster
Oh mournful sun, why do you torment the lovers of earth with your cheery light?
Can you not see that sorrow darkens the brows of those parted to oft
With such creasings and lines that even tears cannot fall
When lovers are blinded by distance rather than emotion
The light seems more like torturous reminder than blissful day
Can it truly exist when there is not but ache in the forefront of these hearts
When life depicts a comedic tragedy of hearts that cannot see it's end
Raucous acts of desperation colour it's lines and the plot is woefully undecided
Do you not feel shame, oh light, that you have deplorably decided to show your face?
Tell me, does the sun reside in the sky?
It must in earnest, for if it were resident of the Earth,
Then it could not be so cruel as to intensify the sorrow of the divided heart
It could not shine so beautifully on souls long parted, even for a little
No, it would be unreasonable to think it otherwise than that
The sun resides in the sky.


I'm glad I came across this TODAY...I've been doing a lot of writing about the sun and it stirred some ideas...