Ramblings of a Lyricist

A place for me to write, about my day, about my thoughts, the stories and songs and poems that come from my mind or that inspire me.

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hmmmm...lets see. Have you ever met someone that had an instant impact on your thoughts? Be it because you think they are cute, or they said something profound, or did something remarkable, or whatever.? No matter what it was, even if you only really saw them or spoke with them for a few minutes you just knew you would never forget that person? It's quite the interesting sensation. And no, I will not say more about the person who inspired that. Don't ask. (unless you are one of those few people who I will talk to about it, and you should know who you are).

Last weekend was amazing. period. hands-down. amazing. JaX HaT Ulitmate tournament, 5 games of Ultimate, six teams, one rockin campground party, and around 100 flat out awesome people all there to have a good time, play some disk, drink a little, meet new people, and catch up with good friends. Freakin sweet. Can't wait for SoIll, that's Southern Illinois in Carbondale, Tournament in September. Of course there is the normal I'm sore, and a few minor injuries (twisted ankles, a couple of bruises, some mystery cuts, oozing blister on my heel) but if I came home in perfect condition I wouldn't have had any fun!! lol. so, all in all, a great time.

And just to prove it: